
Before you submit your disquisition, make sure that you have submitted all of the required paperwork. For more information, see the steps on the 为毕业做准备 页面. 

If you’re ready to submit your disquisition, go to the 文档提交 页面. 


Disquisitions must be submitted as a single .pdf文件. Disquisitions that are submitted in other file types (including .医生, .docx, 等等......) will not be reviewed until they are submitted as a .pdf文件.

We strongly recommend that you write your document in Microsoft Word. You may use a different software program if you are able to convert your finished document into a .PDF档案(不需要协助).

If you need help with using Microsoft Word, contact the Learning and Applied Innovation Center (LAIC). You can use the walk-in consulting service located in QBB 150, or you can find resources on their website. You can also check out our “Navigating the Format Review Process的视频播放列表 GPS Academy YouTube channel. The playlist contains eight videos: one about the format review process, six that are a “Word Crash Course” demonstrating formatting tips, and one is an overview and demonstration of using our Word templates.


We encourage you to review the style manual that is used in your field, 比如MLA, 美国心理学协会, 芝加哥, 等等....... 然而, in instances where the 研究生院 guidelines contradict the style manual for your discipline, the 研究生院 guidelines take precedence. In instances where the 研究生院 guidelines do not provide direction, such as how to format a table or figure, follow the style manual that is used in your discipline. If you need help or more information about how to use style manuals, contact the Center for Writers to make an appointment for a writing consultation. Additional resources are also available at the 中心的网站.




Get more information on using copyrighted material in your disquisition, as well as protecting your own original material.

Use of 版权ed Material

You are responsible for the appropriate use and attribution of copyrighted materials in your disquisition. To better understand ownership, fair use, and your rights and protections, please refer to 版权 and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilities 肯尼斯·克鲁斯.

Respecting the 版权 of Others

If you take copyrighted material produced by another and reproducing it in its entirety without express written permission, you may be violating copyright law. In such cases, you must request written permission from the copyright holder.

If written permission to use copyrighted material is required, you are responsible for obtaining this permission. You can usually get permission by sending a letter of request to the copyright holder. Normally, your letter will be returned with an approval stamp or signature. Please note that some copyright holders require a specific form of acknowledgment or attribution within the document where their copyrighted material is used.

版权 and Your Previously Published Work

If you include your previously published work as part of your disquisition, you need to ensure that the publisher who published your work has not placed restrictions on your right to reproduce or redistribute this work. Check with the publisher in question to obtain any copyright permission required.

Protecting Your Own 版权

While you are not required to register for copyright, in some cases, it is recommended.

如果你有津贴的话, 工资, or financial support from NDSU, there may be restrictions on your ability to file for copyright for your disquisition. 看到 NDSU Policy Manual, Section 190,以获取更多资讯.

另外, if you received funding from sources outside of NDSU, you may have other restrictions on your ability to file for copyright for your disquisition. For more information, check with your funding source.


If co-authored materials are included in your disquisition, a clear and complete description of your contribution must be included. No co-authored materials can be included in the disquisition if your contribution is modest, even though you may have been included as a co-author.

A mandatory description of your role must be placed in a footnote, indicated at the chapter heading in which the co-authored material appears.

请看示例 强制性的说明.

Previously Published Materials

Your program has the option of allowing you to use materials submitted for publication or already published as an integral component of your disquisition.

For this option, you are required to submit a document in a format that is consistent with 研究生院 formatting guidelines.

另外, previously published materials may carry copyright restrictions on your ability to redistribute or reproduce your own work. 

研究 Compliance (IRB, IACUC, and IBC)

The NDSU Policy Manual calls for ethical practices in research. 参见第348节.

* For information on research involving human subjects (IRB),看 第345节 政策手册.
* For information on research involving animal welfare (IACUC),看 第346节 政策手册.
* For information on research involving biosafety (IBC),看 第347节 政策手册. 

At the time of the final examination, all students must submit the IRB/IACUC/IBC Compliance Notification form to the 研究生院.

请注意: For the security of your personal identity, do not include in your disquisition the IRB/IACUC/IBC Compliance Notification form or any other paperwork containing your student ID number.


Before you submit your disquisition to the 研究生院 for review, make sure that you have met all of the requirements for submission.

  • Have I submitted all of the pre-submission paperwork? Have I paid the disquisition processing fees?
  • Am I aware of the deadlines for submission?
  • Have I included all of the required sections in my disquisition? Are the sections in the correct order?
  • Do all of my 页面s use at least 1-inch margins on all sides? 我所有的内容, 包括表, 数据, 非文本项目, fit inside of those 1-inch margins?
  • Are all of my 页面s numbered correctly?
  • Are all of my headings 正确一致 throughout the disquisition?
  • Are all of my paragraphs formatted correctly? Do I find any empty space that I can minimize?
  • Are all of the titles for my tables, 数据, schemes, etc. 正确一致?
  • Are my citations correct, according to the style manual of my discipline?
  • 我的标题页正确吗?
  • Have I included the Copy 2 version of the Disquisition Approval 页面?
  • Is my 摘要 the appropriate length?
  • Have I included an Acknowledgements, Dedication, or Preface (if I wanted to)?
  • Does my 目录表 list the headings correctly? Does it use the correct 页面 numbers?
  • Have I included a List of Tables, 数字一览表, 计划一览表, or other material (if I use them)? Are all of the entries and 页面 numbers correct?
  • Do I need an appendix or appendices for additional material?
  • Have I included a list or lists of appendix material after the 目录表?
  • Have I converted my document into a single .pdf文件? 当我打开 .pdf文件, does everything display correctly?
  • Have I completed all of the other requirements for submission?

The contents of the disquisition must be arranged in the following order. No additional elements may be included.

Disquisitions must be submitted as a single .pdf文件. 参观 Disquisition Formatting Guidelines 页面 for detailed formatting instruction by section.

  • 标题页
  • 论文审批页面
  • 摘要
  • 致谢(可选)
  • 奉献(可选)
  • 前言(可选)
  • 目录表
  • List of Tables (Required if disquisition includes tables)
  • 数字一览表 (Required if disquisition includes 数据)
  • 计划一览表 (Required if disquisition includes schemes)
  • List of [_________] (Any other material, such as equations, etc.)
  • List of Abbreviations (Required if disquisition includes extensive abbreviations)
  • List of Symbols (Required if disquisition includes extensive symbols)
  • List of Appendix Tables (Required if appendices include tables)
  • List of Appendix Figures (Required if appendices include 数据)
  • List of Appendix Schemes (Required if appendices include schemes)
  • List of Appendix [_______] (Any other appendix material, such as equations, etc.)
  • References/Works Cited (Use the heading that is required by the style manual for your field)
  • Appendix/Appendices (Optional)