

The 研究生院 provides a range of services and resources to provide you with a superior experience, 无论是个人还是职业, 并促进你的整体健康.


We encourage you to create an effective relationship with your adviser early on in your NDSU experience. 方法如下:

  • As early as possible, complete a Plan of Study and submit it to the 研究生院.
  • Establish clear expectations for your relationship with each other and establish a plan for regular interaction and feedback.
  • 对于研究型项目, develop a research proposal to share with your advisor and committee, 并确保符合IRB的法规要求, IACUC, 和IBC, 如果有必要的话. Approvals for compliance are required prior to beginning research. 
  • Proactively solicit feedback from your advisers and committee members.
  • Attend the orientation and professional development sessions offered by your program and the 研究生院.


Use resources from the 职业和咨询中心 to prepare for your career after 研究生院. The center’s staff can help with everything from resume writing to interviewing to creating a professional online presence. They also host a number of career fairs throughout the year and can help you network or find positions within your field.

更多信息,请访问 职业和咨询中心.


The 作家研究生中心 helps graduate students become more successful writers. Our consultants have extensive experience in reading and reviewing a wide range of work by writers at all proficiency levels.

Our goal is to help you understand how to meet the expectations of specific audiences, 最常见的是你学科的读者. We can also help you establish a writing process so that you can effectively integrate the writing component into any project.

For more information on what we offer, to schedule an appointment, or to attend an event, visit the 作家研究生中心.


The Wallman 健康中心儿童保育 Service is a licensed service provided to NDSU students. Trained staff and student workers are on hand to properly care for children on a reservation or drop-off basis. The center offers high-quality care and education for children from six weeks old to five years old.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 健康中心儿童保育.


The NDSU 咨询中心 provides a confidential setting where you may explore concerns that are personal, 学术, 或与. 在咨询, you can explore a variety of concerns that may prevent you from functioning at your best. 

The 咨询中心 also offers a 研究生 Student Support Group on Fridays from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m., where you can talk with other graduate students who share similar concerns and understand the struggles of balancing home, 学校, 和工作.

更多信息,请访问 咨询中心.


NDSU 无障碍和残疾资源中心 collaborates with the NDSU community to facilitate equal access in 学术 pursuits, to promote self-advocacy and to foster inclusion for students with disabilities.

To get more information on services, see if you qualify, or apply for services, visit 无障碍和残疾资源中心.


我们提供各种各样的IT服务, from getting set up on the university system to submitting help desk tickets. There are also a number of campus resources and facilities that provide you access to technology like printers, 电脑, 和软件.

For more information on the resources and support we provide, visit 资讯科技服务.


The Office of the Ombuds can assist graduate students with 学术 concerns, 比如围绕评分出现的问题, 与教师沟通, 实验室和其他工作组的关注点. 如果你不确定你的担忧是否属于这一类, feel free to call or schedule a visit to either get assistance or to find out where to find assistance on campus.

更多信息,请访问 监察员办公室.


一站 is a comprehensive service center that offers information about your student account, 金融援助, 奖学金, 学费, 账单支付, 登记, 学生记录. 在线中心始终开放, and a complementary location on campus at Memorial Union provides full-time staff who can assist you in person, 通过电话, 或者通过电子邮件.

要在线访问您的信息,请访问 一站.


The 大学警察和安全办公室 provides professional services and resources to create a safe and secure campus environment, 同时准备应对校园突发事件.

The department serves as the lead institutional unit responsible for safety and security, 执法, 风险管理, 以及应急准备和反应.

更多信息,请访问 大学警察和安全办公室


The 学生健康服务 provides access to quality healthcare and promotes overall well-being for students. 我们的服务包括临床护理, 免疫接种, 急救护理, 药店, 及其他相关服务. You can also get involved with health promotion in areas like creating wellness programs, 预防暴力, 防止酗酒和吸毒.

For more information on resources and services, or to schedule an appointment, visit the 学生健康服务 网站.


停车及运输服务 creates secure parking and transportation options for the university community.

NDSU and the City of Fargo have established an agreement with the Metropolitan Area Transit System, 更广为人知的是“MATBUS”,,为新大学生提供免费的公共交通解决方案. 

To apply for a parking permit or learn more about transportation options, visit 停车及运输服务.