2023-2024 Estimated 出勤费用

Below you will find the estimated costs for the 2023-2024 academic year,* as well as a breakdown and explanation of fees. 如果您正在寻找有关支付学费和杂费的详细信息或常见账单问题的答案, 查看我们的 tuition and payment resources.

学费类型 北达科他州居民 明尼苏达州的居民 Montana and South Dakota Residents 其他州
基本学费* $9,309 $10,426 $11,170 $13,963
Architecture and Landscape Architecture Tuition $12,384 $13,870 $14,861 $18,576
业务的学费 $9,751 $10,921 $11,701 $14,627
计算机科学 $10,243 $11,472 $12,292 $15,365
工程的学费 $10,243 $11,472 $12,292 $15,365
护理的学费 $11,090 $12,421 $13,308  $16,634
药店的学费 $18,825 $20,519 $22,590  $28,237

*对选定课程的学生进行差异学费评估,以支付与这些课程相关的额外资源和设施的费用. 差别学费通常是对被录取进入专业阶段的学生进行评估的. 的 differential tuition replaces the base tuition

学费, 住宿及膳食计划 
费用类型 国内大学生
学费 $1,748
住房 $4,488
膳食计划 $5,145

If you're an international undergraduate applicant, please view the 费用估计.


学生费用包括选定的大学项目的费用,如职业和咨询服务以及学生健康服务, admission to fine arts and athletic events, 学生出版物, 健康中心会员资格, library services and ongoing technology needs on campus. 学生费用还包括旨在促进学生成功和保留的服务,包括但不限于迎新和欢迎周项目, tutoring services and family programs. 除了学费, 所有学生将被一次性收取200美元的不可退还的新生费用,以支付入学费用, 登记, welcome week and family programs.


Several room-and-board arrangements are available for on-campus 住房. 这里列出的费用反映了一年级新生最常选择的宿舍费用和生活安排的加权平均值, including a seven-day unlimited meal plan. 


学生应该计划每年花费大约800美元购买书籍和用品,大约3美元,476 per year for personal expenses and transportation. 


除了有限数量的项目的学费和支持项目需求外,还评估项目费用. 具体费用见 一站

More information on costs, additional fees and payment plans is available from 一站.


北达科他州和明尼苏达州之间的协议使学生有资格获得与居民学费相当的学费. 从明尼苏达州高中毕业的学生在毕业后12个月内注册NDSU自动符合此费率. 转学生、在家接受教育的学生和获得普通教育文凭的学生必须申请此费率 www.咸宁.状态.mn.us


北达科他州大学系统(NDUS)学院和大学毕业生的子女和配偶可能有资格获得减免学费. New undergraduate students who are not North Dakota, 明尼苏达州, 蒙大拿州或南达科他州居民有资格获得与蒙大拿州/南达科他州居民相同的学费费率. 


NDSU员工的配偶和家属可能有资格获得相当于NDSU课程学费一半的学费折扣. 请与 人力资源厅 to complete the paperwork at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the term.


NDSU致力于确保学生在整个大学生涯和以后的职业生涯中取得成功. 因此,金融知识以及金钱和债务管理教育是非常重要的.  

Please visit our Personal Finance Tips & Resources for College Students below:


Once you move away to college, a budget becomes crucial. Map out your various streams of income, including money your parents will provide, 工作收入, and money coming from student loans, grants and other types of financial aid. 的n, categorize expenses so you know where it’s all going. 如果你遵循预算,清楚地知道什么是负担得起的,什么是负担不起的,你会觉得自己更有控制力.

的 trick with any budget is sticking to it. Once you have determined your budget, take some time to learn how to make smart money choices that fall within the budget. 大学生应该成为探索他们的教育地位可以省钱的方法的大师. 例如, 尽量选择免费或收费较低的社会活动,如新大的体育赛事或城市主办的活动. 询问学生在活动或餐馆的折扣,使用免费的MAT巴士等. 

Another helpful tool is the online budgeting service, 薄荷. 它使资金管理变得简单方便,并且是智能手机上的免费乐虎集团程序. 薄荷允许你上传银行账户和费用信息,这样你就可以在一个地方管理你所有的账户. This ensures fewer missed payments and penalties and easy access to account balances.



Spend Your Money on the Right Things
即使贷款现在看起来像“免费的钱”,它们也必须偿还,即使你申请破产. Don’t borrow more than you need, and use your student loans only for tuition, 书, 住房, 食物计划, 等. Don't use student loans for social outings, new clothes or video games.


你所借的学生贷款金额应该与你获得学位后的工资水平相匹配.  为了奢侈的校园生活,借贷过多可能会在以后成为一个严重的债务问题. You’ve heard it before: ”Live like a college student now so you don’t have to later.“根据你的预期收入来确定你能承受的贷款和债务, 使用 学生贷款计算器.


If you want to fund a social life, it should be done with a part-time job, not with federal student aid. 对于不必要的购买,采用“现在付款”的政策,这样你就不必在以后支付额外的利息. If you are looking for a part-time job, check out the 握手 online job board that is solely for NDSU students and alumni.


Credit card companies prey on students, 寄希望于大一新生缺钱,对“轻松”赚钱的前景感到兴奋. 的y also expect students to be careless with credit cards, racking up late fees and high interest payments. If you’re set on having a credit card, shop around for the best one with the lowest interest and fees. Weigh the pros and cons and set a reasonably low spending limit. 明智地管理它,只在紧急情况下使用它,每个月(按时)还清余额. Also, keep in mind that credit cards are not the only way to build credit. 


When it comes to identity theft, college students are some of the hardest hit. According to Javelin Strategy and 研究, the 18 to 24 demographic has the highest risk for identity theft. 不仅如此, the average individual from that demographic took 132 days to detect and report the fraud.

It’s simple: If possible, do not share personal information. Simple things like giving a password to a friend, 在不需要的地方提供你的社会安全号码,或者把个人文件到处乱放,都会增加你的身份被盗用的机会. To catch theft before it goes too far, 定期检查你的银行和信用账户,并立即报告任何可疑活动. While identity watch services are available, the monthly fees may not fit into your budget. 而不是, 确保你密切关注你的账户,每年从所有三个报告机构订购一份免费的信用报告.  


Village Financial Resource Center
If your borrowing or spending has gotten out of hand, there is help. 的 Village Financial Resource Center, a program of 的 Village Family Service Center, provides financial counseling programs and services. 的y can be reached by calling 1-800-450-4019 or emailing moneyhelp@thevillagefamily.org.


