Special Cases Related to Independent Status

联邦学生援助计划是基于这样一个概念:学生和家长主要负责支付学生的教育费用. 对于这样的学生, 援助资格是通过报告父母的收入和资产来确定的, 以及他们自己的, on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If, 然而, 由于这样或那样的原因,你不能在FAFSA上提供你父母的信息, you may be able to be considered independent. 独立学生是指不需要在FAFSA上提供家长信息的申请人. 回顾下面的信息,看看你是否能对这些问题中的任何一个回答是肯定的.

Question 5 on the FAFSA addresses PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Does my circumstance fit these criteria?

For the 2024-25 award year, an independent student is one of the following, 在您完成FAFSA的当天:

  1. 1月前出生. 1, 2001;
    • This is identified when you fill out Question 1 on the FAFSA
  2. 已婚(未分居);
    • May need to provide a copy of your marriage certificate.
  3. A graduate (master’s or doctorate) or professional student;
    • We will look at what we have in our system.
  4. 一个有DD-214证明他们光荣退役的老兵, 包括培训;
    • 提交你的成员2或4 DD-214(军事分离表),包括23-30框. Member 1 copies of your DD-214 do not suffice for this verification.
  5. A member of the armed forces who is currently serving 联邦 active duty (not state or training purposes);
    • 提交你的现役命令. Orders must state that you are under Section 12301 of Title 10 U.S.C.
  6. An orphan since you turned 13 years of age or older;
    • Submit death certificates or obituaries for parent(s). Write a statement if not in contact with the other parent.
  7. A ward of 法院 or state since you turned 13 years of age or older;
    • Submit copies of your status from either social services or 法院.
  8. In foster care since you turned 13 years of age or older;
    • Submit copies of your placement from either social services, 法院, 或者是一个独立的生活个案工作者,帮助现在和以前的寄养青少年过渡到成年.
  9. Have children or other people (excluding their spouse), who 和你一起生活 和接收 超过一半 of their support from you now through June 30, 2025;
    • 提交一份声明,说明你为什么表示这是你的状态,以及你如何提供支持.
  10. 被其居住地法院依法解放的被解放未成年人;
    • 提交法庭文件.
  11. 被父母或继父母以外的人合法监护(不是监护)的人, as determined by a court in their state of residence;
    • 提交法庭文件.
  12. 无人陪伴、无家可归或自食其力、有无家可归危险的人
    • 看到 问题6 为澄清.

通过电子邮件发送给 麦凯.brekke@lcwk.net or 玛丽.gerardy@lcwk.net, 提供一个简短的陈述,说明你为什么在你的FAFSA上标记了这种情况, along with the specific document listed under each item above. 在审查之后,可能需要针对任何这些情况提供额外的信息.

The email will be sent to your NDSU email. 如果您是新生,激活您的NDSU电子邮件帐户的说明可以在以下网址找到 http://kb.lcwk.net/page.php?IDs=99739. A form will be attached to the email for you to complete, *标志, 日期并使用表单底部的提交选项之一发回.

*注意: 未签名的文件将被退回. Your statement must be signed with a physical signature. Typed, printed, or electronic signatures for your name are not acceptable.

If circumstances 1-11 do not pertain to your situation, 看到 问题6.

问题6 on the FAFSA addresses OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES, which pertains to students experiencing homelessness (item #12 above). 看到 below for steps you need to take for that determination.


  • 无人陪伴的: 学生不在父母或监护人的监护下生活
  • 无家可归的人: 缺乏 fixed, 常规的, 充足的夜间住宿
  • 无家可归的:有无家可归危险的: 当一个学生的住房 可能会停止 固定的:固定的、有规律的和适当的
  • 自营: when a student pays for their own living expenses, 包括固定, 常规的, 充足的夜间住宿
    • 修复: stationary, permanent, and not subject to change
    • 常规: used on a predictable, routine, or consistent basis
    • 适当的: sufficient for meeting both the physical (heat, 水, 电力)和心理需求(安全的环境——窗户和门锁)通常在家里得到满足


  1. 无人陪伴的 无家可归,或
  2. 无人陪伴,自营, 有无家可归的危险

你会收到一封来自 玛丽.gerardy@lcwk.net 指导您到一个表格的链接,为您完成,签署*,日期,并提交.

*注意: Unsigned documents will not be processed.

If none of the above circumstances pertain to your situation, 看到 问题7.


对于有令人信服的理由将父母信息排除在FAFSA之外的学生,特殊情况是基于情有可依的家庭情况. 根据您与您的亲生父母或法定父母的关系填写此表格。. 它必须有文件支持,以证明任何学生/家长关系的解除. Due to the sensitive nature of this type of information, be assured that any information you share will remain confidential. 

  • 父母遗弃或疏远,你没有被别人收养
  • Unsafe environment involving threats or abuse related to drugs, 酒精, 或者你的身体或精神健康 
  • Custodial parent is incapacitated or incarcerated, and you have no contact with your other biological parent 
  • 监护人去世了,你和另一个亲生父母没有联系
  • Legally granted refugee or asylum status and you’re separate from parents, or your parents are displaced in a foreign country
  • 如2000年《乐虎集团》(22 U.S.C. 7101等序列.)

你会收到一封来自 玛丽.gerardy@lcwk.net directing you to complete the Unusual Circumstance Form. 可以在你的 NDSU eform 校园连接.

如果以上都不是(个人), other or unusual) circumstances pertain to your situation, 你可以联系你的父母,提供他们乐虎电子FAFSA的信息,或者只申请直接无补贴贷款, 看到 问题8.



  • are unwilling to provide their information on the FAFSA or for verification
  • do not claim you (the student) as a dependent for income tax purposes 
  • 拒绝为你的教育捐款
  • You (the student) demonstrate total self-sufficiency


  • 除无补贴直接贷款外,您将丧失所有类型的州和联邦援助的考虑. 
  • The maximum Unsubsidized Direct Loan is $5,500(新生), $6,500(大二)或7美元,500英镑(大三/大四),仅凭这笔钱不足以支付你的教育费用.
  • 私人学生贷款是另一种资金选择,它需要信誉良好的共同签署人.
  • 客户帐户服务有一个 每月付款计划 每学期.

*注意: 在学期开始之前,确保你有足够的资金来支付所有的费用. 如果你不能支付秋季学期的学费,你将不能注册以后的学期. 你的账单会被催收,这会对你的信用评级产生负面影响.

Providing parental information on the FAFSA does not make your parents financially responsible for paying your bill at NDSU; it simply allows the Department of Education to calculate your eligibility for the various types of financial aid.

If your parents ARE willing to complete the FAFSA, so you can be considered for all types of aid, 完成以下步骤: 
  1. 学生-去 http://studentaIDs.gov/sa/fafsa 做以下两件事:
    • change your answer from YES to NO for the question that asks, “Are the student’s parents unwilling to provide their information, 但学生没有特殊情况阻止他们联系父母或获取他们的信息?”
    • 通过输入父母的电子邮件地址,将其作为信息的贡献者.
  2. 父母, Click here Creating and Using the FSA ID (StudentAid.gov) 创建自己的FSA ID. 当您的FSA ID准备好后,您将在24-48小时内收到一封电子邮件,然后继续执行步骤3. 
  3. Complete the parent/contributor information on the FAFSA and resubmit.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

请电子邮件 玛丽.gerardy@lcwk.net.