
‘This has been the easiest and the best decision I have made’

NDSU的 online Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program 为学生提供灵活性和可访问性,他们需要在全职工作的同时进一步发展护理事业. 

自成立以来, 来自全国各地的各种护理岗位的学生都参加了NDSU的在线注册护士到BSN课程. 学生被以证据为基础的课程所吸引,该课程旨在适应平衡个人生活的护士, 工作, 和学校.

学生在一个支持和协作的环境中学习,以提高他们的护理知识和培养领导技能,这将提高他们的护理实践. 学生对人际关系和专业沟通的重要性有了更深刻的理解. Other important aspects of the curriculum include safety, ethics and 工作ing effectively in complex health care systems.

凯萨琳Swanson, NDSU assistant professor of practice, 是2016年帮助开发在线课程的两名教员之一吗. 该计划适应学生繁忙的日程安排,并建立在学生通过其副学士学位课程接受的先前教育的基础上. 

Students interact regularly with professors and peers in their cohort, creating lasting relationships. 学生们欣赏他们可以立即将所学到的知识乐虎集团到目前的护理实践中.   

“What students learn from each other is incredible. It really creates a sense of community and support,” Swanson said.

Read more about three student experiences in the program, 包括转化为他们职业生涯的好处和他们作为学生建立的关系. 

名称: 摩根大通曼苏尔
Graduation year from program: 2021
Current program enrolled in: NDSU的 Doctor of Nursing Practice 
目前的工作: Senior RN in Sanford’s Emergency Department

Why did you choose the online RN to BSN program?
我选择参加NDSU注册护士到BSN的在线课程是因为当我开始在桑福德的急诊室工作时, I heard a lot of good things about the program from previous students. 我也看到了这所大学是如何融入社区的,这真的打动了我. 从我自己的经验来看,我知道这里的护士的素质.

Who’s the program a good fit for?
The program is a great fit for RNs who are currently 工作ing full-time, who have busy lives and families. Those are people that I actually attended the program with. 我们都有相似的故事,我们年龄相仿,在那段时间我交了很多好朋友.

What role did this program have on career advancement?
一切都为我打开了. 它使我能够更深入地寻找机会并探索它们. The higher education gave me more confidence. 它给了我力量,让我选择去寻找东西,同时人们听说我在NDSU完成了这个项目,他们找到了我. The opportunities came from many areas. One was education within the department I 工作ed in. I became a department educator. 我成了一个导师. 很多人联系我,想申请这个项目,我是这个项目最大的倡导者.

What was beneficial about the program?
有很多东西. 其中之一是我与系里的老师和一些同事之间的关系. I gained quite a bit of self-satisfaction from doing what I’m doing. 我看到了孩子们知道爸爸在上大学,追求他的梦想,实现他的目标时的反应. My confidence level climbed. 这让我对自己和我为社区所做的事情感觉很好.

What would you like prospective students to know about the program?
You’re not going to regret it. 你们在新大接受的教育将带你们走上许多不同的道路. Your journey may have started when you got your RN, 而是在你的BSN后面, it continues and there are more roads and more opportunities to explore.

名称: Iryna霍普
毕业一年: 2024
目前的工作: Perham健康劳动和分娩,基本健康法戈劳动和分娩的PRN

What has been beneficial about the program?
I love how flexible the instructors are. 乐虎电子这个课程很方便,而且我可以按照自己的节奏学习,这真是太棒了. The 工作 life balance in this program has been very easy. 最大的好处是这个项目将为我打开新的职业机会.

How has this online program fit in your busy schedule?
这是我在全职工作并获得4分的同时,为自己和家人做出的最简单也是最好的决定.0的绩点. 很高兴知道我可以在继续做Perham Health Labor的全职员工的同时提高我的教育水平 & Delivery, PRN at Essentia Health Fargo Labor & Delivery, be a wife and a mother to four wonderful kids.

How has this program prepared you for success after graduation?
This program has expanded my knowledge on effective communication, therapeutic communication, 领导能力, evidence-based research and even management skills. I look forward to utilizing these skills in my career growth.

How has 工作ing with the faculty contributed to your success? How do they challenge you?
The faculty has been amazing. 教师们用发人深省的作业和项目来挑战学生,这些作业和项目有助于他们的学术成长. Challenging tasks encourage critical thinking, 解决问题和加深对主题的理解. They have provided constructive feedback, always encouraging. The instructors are always accessible for questions or concerns. I have received a high level of support and guidance during this program.

What are your career goals after you graduate?
My goal is to obtain my DNP. I would also love to obtain a mid-wifery certification after my DNP. 然而, with the cost of education, 个人生活和家庭, 如果这不是一个选择, I would love to go into a management role.

What would you like prospective students to know about the program? 
Don’t second guess your desire to pursue your BSN. 正如我之前提到的,这是我做过的最好的决定,我还会再做一次. The program is 100% doable, it’s very feasible for a busy lifestyle, but also allows you time for your self-care.

名称: 伊丽莎白·珀杜
毕业一年: 2024
目前的工作 Behavioral health homes nursing supervisor at Nystrom Counseling 

What has been beneficial about the program
我再怎么强调得到教授的支持和及时的沟通是多么的重要. 这个项目是为人们在护理事业中取得成功和成长而设立的. 我和其他许多人都是全职工作,这个项目的结构是在为忙碌的人们提供优质教育的同时,也为他们提供支持.

How has 工作ing with the faculty contributed to your success? 
他们在展示对护理领域的热情方面以身作则, passion to educate other nurses and providing continuing support. 通过这样做,他们鼓励我成为其他护士的支持系统. 他们促进研究, 从基于证据的信息中了解和评估情况,并坚持高标准的伦理和道德.

是的,我有. We have Immersion courses that we all come together over Zoom. 我们有讨论和翻转网格作业,让我们相互学习和互动. 教师鼓励我们在课堂上与他们和其他人交流,以增加项目的成功,并提供凝聚力.

What are your career goals after you graduate? 

What would you like prospective students to know about the program? 
If you are looking to grow in knowledge, grow in your career and have options to go up the ladder in leadership, with support and tools for success, then I would recommend this program.


马上申请 to advance your nursing career. 参观 NDSU官方YouTube page for more on the RN to BSN program.

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